Editor-in-Chief Marissa L. Downs interviews Tom Dunn, ADR Neutral.
Company: Pierce Atwood LLP
Office Location: Boston, MA
Licensed in: Massachusetts, Rhode Island, California (inactive)
Email: rtdunn@pierceatwood.com
Website: https://www.pierceatwood.com/people/r-thomas-dunn
Law School: McGeorge School of Law (2004 JD)
Types of ADR services offered: Arbitration
Affiliated ADR organizations: American Arbitration Association
Geographic area served: Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and New England
Q: Describe the path you took to becoming an ADR neutral.
A: Arbitration and alternative forms to avoid and resolve disputes has interested me since law school. Serving as an arbitrator is rewarding both as a neutral helping people close out disputes, but also as an advocate as it reminds me about how best to communicate with the fact finder.
Ms. Downs may be contacted at mdowns@lauriebrennan.com